Charaideo, Assam
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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

About   IQAC

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in any institution is a significant administrative body that is accountable for all quality matters. It is the major responsibility of IQAC to initiate, plan and supervise various activities that are necessary to increase the quality of the education imparted in an institution or college. The role of IQAC in maintaining quality standards in teaching, learning and evaluation becomes crucial for the overall development of the institution. Without IQAC, it becomes extremely difficult to manage the quality system of teaching, learning and evaluation in the institution. The main significant roles of IQAC in an institution are:

  1. The IQAC is a significant administrative body in any educational institution.
  2. It contributes to maintaining quality standards in teaching, learning and evaluation.
  3. It promotes co-curricular and extra-curricular activities in the institution.
  4. It is a capable body to administer various academic/educational activities.
  5. The IQAC tries to include everyone in its activities.
  6. The IQAC harmonizes among the stakeholders of the institution.

The IQAC harmonizes among the stakeholders of the institution. In the pursuit for quality assurance, quality up-gradation, assessment and accreditation, and institutionalization the college has formed the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) on 08.01.2005. Since then IQAC has become instrumental in suggesting a number of quality improvement measures in the college. In our institution, IQAC plays a vital role for developing an overall development of the college. Besides each department prepared their own departmental time table, the IQAC ensures the conduct of programmes stipulated by each department. At the end of every academic year, IQAC collects feedback on both curricula and the teachers from all the students, it is then analyzed and finding reports are communicated to the faculties. In the last five years the policy of the college has been to achieve quality in its academic front by increasing enrollment which yields a very good result. ...

The college has a policy to improve the program option for the students by introduction of professional courses. The IQAC analyzed the professional courses needed in the rural area and recommended them to the authority. Augmentation of teaching-learning facilities: To cope up with the changing world scenario IQAC has tried to keep pace with the ICT enabled teaching learning process as a result of this over the years IQAC set up 16 ICT enabled smart classrooms, 120 computers, and 20 printers to facilitate the teaching-learning process. Ejournals, INFLIBNET etc. There are a few faculty members who have Shodhganga membership, e-books database and 20 Mbps internet connection with campus Wi-Fi facilities which are available for the students and staff. Strengthen Quality and Research Culture in the College: The IQAC considers teachers as the fountain head for delivering quality education. It is the policy of the college to help the teachers enhance their capacity by encouraging to undergo training program like orientation programme, refresher course and to participate in seminars, conferences, workshops etc. Teachers are also encouraged to pursue Ph.D and publish their works. Besides the above, IQAC has taken the following initiatives for the institutionalization of the quality culture of the college:

  1. Preparation of perspective plan.
  2. Preparation of academic calendar
  3. IQAC meets periodically
  4. Preparation and submission of AQAR.
  5. Collection of feedback from students.

The college reviews its teaching learning process, structure and methodologies of operation and learning out comes at periodic intervals through IQAC. For smooth teaching learning process, structure and methodologies of operations, IQAC monitors the following:

  • Workload of every teacher is in strict compliance with the university and UGC norms.
  • Time table adherence is strictly monitored.
  • Lesson Plan for each semester is prepared by each faculty members.
  • The college employed various student centric learning methods like class seminar, field visit, survey etc.
  • Collection of Self-Appraisal Form (API) from faculty.
  • Use of ICT in teaching and learning.
  • The learning process is monitored through continuous evaluation, regular examinations and submissions of assignments and seminars.

Besides these, IQAC analyses the University results at department level and made suggestions in this regard. For details of the AQAR reports please visit

   AQAR Reports

  IQAC Committee Members

Dr. Shrutashwinee Gogoi

IQAC, Moran College, Charaideo

Chairman   Dr. Mitali Konwar Principal, Moran College
Coordinator   Dr. Shrutashwinee Gogoi Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department
Assistant Coordinators 1. Dr. Jugal Gogoi
2. Mr. Atanu Bora
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department
Assistant Professor, Zooloy Department
Members 1. Dr. Pragyan Phukan (Member & Technical Support)
2. Mrs. Rini Sonowal
3. Miss Himadri Lekharu
4. Miss Gongutree Gogoi
Assistant Professor, Physics Department
Assistant Professor, Education Department
Assistant Professor, Economics Department
Assistant Professor, English Department

Year-wise   AQARs



















Self-study Report   (SSR)

Yearwise   Best Practices